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Sunday, June 4, 2017

[TRANS] 4 Langkah Positif Ketika Kamu Kehilangan Hewan Peliharaanmu!

Summary: Here is my translation of a cat's owner's article and I translated it just like her point of view. Enjoy! ^_~

Kehilangan hewan kesayangan adalah satu dari sekian peristiwa paling menyedihkan. Aku sudah sering mengalaminya dan yang paling terakhir terjadi pada 4 bulan yang lalu. Namun kesedihan tidak semestinya berlangsung berlarut-larut. Kamu bisa mengubahnya menjadi sebuah semangat baru. Ada 4 cara positif yang bisa ditempuh untuk mengobati luka tersebut.

Beberapa cara berikut mungkin tidak tepat dijalankan apabila kita baru saja kehilangan hewan kesayangan kita dan masih dalam tahap “sedih-sedihnya”. Kalau kita ingin menangisinya, menangislah! Menangis adalah

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Resensi: COLOVER

Judul buku          : Colover
Pengarang           : Fairy, Senselly, Yuli Pritania, Edotz Herjunot, Sung Ie, Ce, Sintia Astarina, Ida R, Ca,  Team Peak.
Editor                  : Anin Pratajuangga
Cover                 : Dyndha Hanjani P.
Penata Isi            : Phiy
Penerbit              : Grasindo
Tahun Terbit        : 2014
Tebal Buku         : 242 halaman
Bahasa               : Indonesia

Novel Colover merupakan mengemas sepuluh cerpen yang mengusung tema tentang kesan mendalam para tokoh terhadap warna-warna tertentu dibalik kisah yang mereka alami. Sebagian besar

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Hello, guys! I'm here for nothing but talking about my ultimate girl crush Yoon Sohee~! (^艸^) She is a Korean actress under the talent agency S. M. C&C and she has been gaining a bigger recognition because of her role as Kim Hwagun in "Ruler: Master of the Mask". Anyways, I hope that I get you guys fall into her charm and gang-up with me! (^_−)☆

2017.05.08 Ruler: Master of the Mask Press Conference

ʚ Profile ɞ

Name : Yoon So Hee
Born : Stuttgart, Germany / May 7, 1993
Figure : 168cm, 48kg, B type blood
Zodiac Sign : Taurus
Chinese Horoscope : Rooster
Education : Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Family : Parents & a younger brother
Debut : EXO's <Wolf> Music Video in 2013
Agency : S. M. Culture and Contents
Official Links : SM C&C | Facebook | Instagram


Blade and Petal | Drama Special - How to Survive in Africa | Let's Eat
Love in Memory 2 - Father's Note | Wild Chives and Soybean Soup: 12 Years Reunion | Big Man | Marriage, Not Dating | Secret Door
My Love Eundong
Memory | A Cyborg in Love | Iron Lady | One More Time
Queen of Ring | Ruler - Master of the Mask
"Ruler - Master of the Mask" Stills

Fun Facts

  1. Yoon Sohee's father is a professor at the Department of Architecture in a Technical College, so she says that her intelligence took after him.
  2. She throws good first pitch in a baseball game on June 18, 2015. (Video)
  3. She eats well.
  4. Her bucket list including having a trip to Hawaii and eat delicious foods and ice cream there. (NewsAde Interview, 2016)
  5. In "Ruler: Master of the Mask", she portrays a tragic character who abandons her life for love. If it was her real life, she would give up over her appetite because she loves food so much. (Section TV)
  6. She is a fan of Chelsea FC. (After the Play Ends, 2016)
  7. She admits it that she isn't yet good in acting and let the controversy going. (Taxi, 2015)
  8. In the "Ruler: Master of the Mask" press conference, the show's PD says that Yoon Sohee has improved her acting, it is just astonishing."Yoon Sohee 's performance growth will be one of the observation points. You can expect her acting performance, showing an astonishingly different appearance." (credit)
  9. During the first 4 episodes of "Ruler: Master of the Mask", she only received criticism among netizen, but most of them turned rooting for Kim Hwagun since episode 5 aired.
  10. She is close with fellow agency actor Song Jaerim.
  11. NewsAde interview: pick-one corner

-        Americano or Latte? Latte
-        Black Bean Noodles or Spicy Seafood Noodles? Black Bean
-     부먹 or 찍먹찍먹 (Korean slang, meaning: Pour the sauce over the fried pork vs dipping the fried sauce into the sauce?)
-        Cola or Cider (lemon-lime drink)? Cola
-        Maekju (beer) or Soju? Maekju
-        Summer or Winter? Summer Winter
-        Mulnaeng or Binaeng? Mulnaeng
They are types of Naengmyeon (cold noodles), Mulnaeng (물냉) is the watery one, and Binaeng (비냉) is not.
-     Beef or Pork? Pork
-     Horror or Mellow film? Mellow
-     Dogs or Cats? Dogs
-     Mountain or Sea? Sea
-     Study or Act? Act. /laughs
-     Science or Culture? Science
-     Starving or Not Sleep? Not Sleep
-     Older Men or Younger Men? Older
-     Manly or Affectionate Men? Affectionate Men
-     Shoulder-to-Shoulder or Holding Hands? Holding Hands
-     Face or Body? Body
-     Sports or Sleeping? Sleep
-     "Memory" or "Let's Eat"? ⑉ႣႣ⑉ ... "Memory". (´_`)
"Ruler - Master of the Mask" Stills

Monday, May 15, 2017

Dwidayatour: A Travel Agency

A. Overview
Dwidayatour is a travel agency brand under PT Dwidaya World Wide that was established on July 19th, 1967. It has now more than 90 branch offices in most of the major cities in Indonesia,

Sunday, April 30, 2017

TOURISM: Scientia Square Park

Picture 1. Scientia Square Park

WHAT is the Scientia Square Park?

 Scientia Square Park is a 1,2 hectares park built in the Scientia Garden area in Gading Serpong, Tangerang Selatan. The park serves us a unique style; a hybrid of

Monday, March 20, 2017

Soft Skill Homework: Telling Our Tourism Experience

Hello, I’m sharing to you a piece of happiness I experienced during the Ramadhan month in my hometown! I, with my mother and two younger brothers arrived in Kutoarjo way too earlier than our actual plan. We wished we could grab the D-5 or at least D-7 of Ied Fitr train tickets, but even D-10 departures’ seats were all sold out, as expected. Still, we wanted to go. So we just reserved any day tickets available. And... tadah! We ended up spending half of our Ramadhan month in our beloved grandma’s house. And it was actually good.

One of these starving days, just approximately one and half hour to the upcoming Adzan Maghrib, my uncle drove us to a flawless place; a beach!

Monday, January 30, 2017

[VIDEO/Semester 1 Final Task] Producing a Public Service Advertisement (PSA): PLASTIC BAG DIET

The video I attached below is the work of my group to get our Semester 1 Final Exam (UAS)'s score of Copywriting subject. This assignment was given by Mr. Romel Noverino, our lecturer for the subject.

Here I'd like to write down my members' names alongside our NPMs.
  1. Doni Yulianto 12616166
  2. Emerald Novitasari 12616328
  3. Giovani Vironica Shanty 13616056
  4. Mawarni 14616321
  5. Siti Ainun Hayatul F. 17616078

Sunday, January 1, 2017

[GROUP ASSIGNMENT] Media Literacy Concepts and Persuasion Techniques

Media literacy is defined as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media. According to the Center for Media Literacy, media literate youths and adults are better able to understand the complex messages we receive from television, radio, Internet, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, video games, music, and all other forms of media.

There are a number of Media Literacy Concepts and Persuasive Techniques. Here we present a sample per each for the two points of media literacy concepts and four (out of forty) points persuasive techniques.

Media Literacy Concepts:
1. Text and Subtext
2. Changing the media system is a justice issue; and

The persuasive techniques are:
1. Beautiful people
2. Maybe
3. Glittering generalities
4. Straw man

Download here Media Literacy full (pdf file).